Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hundreds of Pilgrims Support 30,000 Troops

I am truly grateful to all of you who participated in our Care Package
Drive to support our Troops. The items you purchased, the hours you
worked at the Drive, and your generous checks for postage and product
made shipping almost 400 boxes possible. In spite of these tough times
together we touched about 30,000 troops, making their holidays away from
home a bit brighter. Your generosity is absolutely overwhelming and
means so much to me! The stories from our Drive that I share with
Courtney amaze and humble her.

For those of you who coordinated your children, their friends and your
students to make cards and bring items, please pass this on to them with
my thanks. They truly made a difference.

Malcolm Muggeridge once said, "Every happening, great or small, is a
parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the
message." You all got the message! Thank you for touching the lives of
our troops.

Proud Army Mom!
Deb Wilson

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