Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Men's Club Mission Trip Pictures

There are four houses in the Portland culdesac where
we had the chance to build. The windows, strapping, and
even a sliding door were put into the lower house by our group.

We're responsible for the tybex wrap and the yellow
wrap which keeps an air barrier between the siding
and the interior walls on the other two houses.

You think Charlie is high, you should have seen
other guys who won't be named so their spouses
don't get nervous!

Katherine and Anne, do Mike and Brent clean up like this at home?
We put up a wall and strapping in this house.

Dan in the blue shirt is the construction manager and
Ken in the white shirt is buying this house. Habitat is now
selling two houses they build to pay for parts of the other
two houses in the subdivision. A brilliant model because
Portland's housing stock really starts at $300,000. This way
they offer homes at $200,000--raise funds and fill in a need in
the market--and offer homes to families that can't afford one
for $300 a month for 35 years.

By the way, did Paul just swallow a canary?

One happy deacon!

They put in a sliding glass door--the first in Habitat
Portland's history (into one of the houses being sold)!
Ask them how many times they stopped to admire it
for the rest of the day? Answer: When you've built heaven,
you stop and appreciate it a lot!

The Team!

The celebration! Lobster is on the way! Next year,
same weekend? Same work? More men?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Burgler Still Welcome On Sunday

If the burgler wants to come on Sunday, we have plenty of coffee!

Check out the article in the Metrowest Daily News.

Thanks to Dick Dinjian from buildings and grounds, the Healthy Living group, and all the concerned folks who helped clean up and offer support.